
Showing posts from January, 2018

phone wallpaper

Karibu Infinity kwa huduma hizi pia. Tunatengeneza wall paper aina zote. Infinity images 2018.

Techno phantom 6+ wall paper

Get your customized wall paper for your mobile devices from Infinity images. we design it suit your needs.I have created this for my Techno phantom 6+ phone and it looks amazing. Infinity images 2018.

kadi ya mchango wa harusi

Tunadizaini na kutengeneza kadi za michango aina zote. Karibuni kwa mahitaji yenu. Piga/whattsapp 0745393790. Infinity cards.

buz card buz cards

Utapendelea huduma hizi na nyinginezo tutafute kwa no hizo. Tupo hapa mbezi garden hotel. Infinity images 2018.

Menu cards Menu cards

You want this? or or any other design of cards for your occassion like mchango,kitchen party, sendoff, wedding and other occassions. Then come and talk to us at mbezi garden hotel or give us a call on above numbers. Infinity images 2018.

Coupons Coupons

Coupons za usharika wa mbezi beach zilizodizainiwa na kutengenezewa nasi.Ukipenda huduma kama hizi piga no hizo au karibu mbezi garden hotel utapata unachohitaji kwa bei nzuri. Infinity images 2018.


Kwa mahitaji yako yote ya vitabu vya Tax Invoice na vinginevyo karibu Infinity stationery tupo mbezi garden hotel.Unaweza kupiga no hiyo kwa maulizo zaidi.

Tax Invoices za Twesa

Tunadizaini na kutengeneza Invoices kama hivyo na vitabu vingine vinavyotumika katika biashara kwa ajili ya manununuzi na malipo ikiwemo order books, delivery books, receipt books, guest book register, job cards books na vingine vingi. Pia tunatengeneza kutokana na matakwa yako ili uridhike mteja wetu. Huduma ya kuletewa ulipo ipo hata mikoani unaletewa kw gharama kidogo tu ya usafiri. Kwa mahitaji yako piga/whattsapp 0745 393790. Vitabu vya Invoice toka Infinity stationery 2018.

Menu cards

Nice and elegant menu cards for Chitinka and Doreen. The card comes in smaller or large size its your choice. Also it can stand vertically or horizontal depends on how you wanted to be. You can get this card by calling 0745 393790. Price is affordable come and lets talk. Infinity stationery cards 2018.

Menu card

Today's menu card for the sendoff of Precious Lelo at Mbezi Executive hall. To get these cards call 0745 393790/ whattsapp

Keki tamu ya ladha ya Chocolate

Keki nzuri inayokwenda kwa jina la chocolate naked cake iliyotengenezwa na Nsia Sawe toka RONE. Inashawishi kuionja tena na tena kwa jinsi ilivyo tamu. Karibuni kwa ladha halisi za cake za kitanzania fanya kumtafuta kwa no hiyo tajwa hapo. Karibuni nyote

Mkesha wa kukaribisha mwaka 2018

Tukiwa katika mkesha wa kuukaribisha mwaka 2018 usharikani Mbezi Beach jijini Dar es salaam. Uwepo wa Mungu alionekana kwa namna ya ajabu. Tunamshukuru kwa neema yake na upendo aliotuonyesha kwa kumtoa mwana wake pekee Ywesu kristo kubeba dhambi zetu ili tusiangamie bali tupate uzima wa milele. Bwan Yesu asifiwe milele yote. Amina.

Je wataka hizi?

Je wataka kadi za mialiko yoyote ile?  Bei zetu ni nafuu kwa bajeti zote. Basi fanya kunitafuta kwa no hii 0745 393790/whattsapp.  Infinity stationery cards.

Happy New year 2018

Happy New year all my dear customers. God is good to see this another beautiful year. Thanks for your amazing  support and motivation to continue doing what we are driving to do for our people and not for ourselves. Lets continue working together this new year2018. Infinity Images 2018.