I know the Plans I have For You

Gods plans for our lives is to give us hope and a good future. God doesn't plan for me to fail or die in calamity but to prosper, to live well to declare His name to the ends of the earth and brings souls to Jesus. His love to me is amazing love, pure love. When I know this my heart is filled up with unspeakable joy, laughter and peace. I love this song as it reminds me of the plans God has for me for my life and I have to make a choice to follow that path of love of the Father that every man should come to know and live. Nothing to shake this faith in Christ and my soul has found rest no more struggles and self perfection instead o letting God perfect you through His Son Jesus Christ. Let His love flow all over you, filled you up and let this world be nothing anymore to you today. Look at Him the author and finisher of our faith. He is the one who will appear again in glory and power ready to receive those of us who have been washed in His blood. Pure without any blemish to rule with Him in his eternal kingdom forever and ever.Listen to this song and let it bless you and turn you away from your sinful ways and repent today and receive the Lord Jesus to be the Lord of your life.


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