
Showing posts from October, 2019

My dady's portrait

Mr Wilson Lawere drawink on 2b graphite pencils. Drawn on A4 plain paper 21×29.7cm. Speed:slow on deep shadow art style. Drawings always reveal hidden things that can't be seen just by quick looking until you draw them. Illustration by bobelo fine art 2019.

Bride drawing

My bride drawing on A4 plain paper. I draw it slowly on linear style. Ink art is so nice on any paper even lighter ones. All drawings by bobelo fine art creations 2019.

Anna Ngalawa fine art

The fine illustration of Anna Ngalawa from the pre sendoff photo archive appeared on menu cards. All illustrations by bobelo fine art 2019.

Getrude kimaro

Menu card for Getrude Kimaro. Our menu cards comes in different styles sometimes they relate depending on choice of our designing team or our customers. Come and place your order too. Cards by infinity card production 2019.

Catherine's Night

Our menu card for this week goes to Catherine's Mwasonya sendoff at Mbezi executive Hall. We do this and more at our offices at Mbezi Garden Hotel. Card by Infinity card productions 2019.